(For 1 or 2 Players)

TRIPLE CHALLENGE is an exciting breakthrough in home video

games: three COMPLETE games packed into ONE game cartridge.

These games -- Chess, Checkers, and Backgammon -- have not been

abridged; they are complete games with full rules, with multiple skill

levels, and even with special features, such as letting the computer

suggest your next move. Each game can be played against a friend or

against the computer, who, you will find, is a very worthy opponent!

Take the challenge!

CHOOSING A GAME Insert cartridge (always be sure power is OFF

before inserting cartridge). Turn power ON and press RESET to see

title screen. Press any hand controller button or disc and the menu of

games appears. Select CHESS, CHECKERS, or BACKGAMMON by

pressing number 1, 2, or 3 on either hand controller.


OBJECT OF GAME Surround your opponent's king in such a way that

your opponent has no available move to keep the king from being

captured (checkmate).

STARTING THE GAME Press the DISC. The game automatically begins

in the Player vs. Computer mode, level 1, computer taking black.

Information about the mode, level, and who moves next appear

onscreen around the chessboard.

CONTROLS You will need to use BOTH hand controllers to play. Refer

to the lists below while playing. When in Player vs. Player mode,

each player can use either or both hand controllers during his or her



1 Select Bishop (Special Set-Up)

2 Select Rook (Special Set-Up)

3 Select King (Special Set-Up)

4 Select Knight (Special Set-Up)

5 Select Queen (Special Set-Up)

6 Select Pawn (Special Set-Up)

7 Reverse view of board

8 Switch colors/computer takes your next move (PvsC only)

9 Begin a new game

CLEAR Select skill level

0 Remove piece (Special Set-Up)

ENTER Select mode

UPPER KEYS Pick up and set down piece

LOWER LEFT KEY Return piece (before move is complete)

LOWER RIGHT KEY Force computer to make move

DISC Move cursor and pieces


1 Select Bishop (Special Set-Up)

2 Select Rook (Special Set-Up)

3 Select King (Special Set-Up)

4 Select Knight (Special Set-Up)

5 Select Queen (Special Set-Up)

6 Select Pawn (Special Set-Up)

7 Select Special Set-Up

8 Turn on/off clocks or blank screen on computer's move

9 Retract completed move

CLEAR Clears the board (Special Set-Up)

0 Remove piece (Special Set-Up)

ENTER Replay retracted moves

UPPER KEYS Pick up and set down piece

LOWER LEFT KEY Return piece (before move is complete)

LOWER RIGHT KEY Force computer to make move

DISC Move cursor and pieces

SELECT PLAYING MODE There are three playing modes: Player vs.

Computer (PvsC), Player vs. Player (PvsP), and Computer vs.

Computer (CvsC). Press ENTER on the left hand controller until your

selection appears in the upper left of the screen. You can change

mode anytime it is the Player's turn. (While watching a Computer vs.

Computer game, you can switch to another mode by holding down

ENTER on the left hand controller. After the current move is

complete, you can select a new mode.)

SELECT LEVEL Press CLEAR on the left hand controller until the level

you want appears in the upper right of the screen. There are 8 levels.

You can change level at anytime during a game when it's your turn.

(Note: The level does not affect Player vs. Player games.)

On level 1, the computer makes its moves quickly and plays a simple

game of Chess. As the level increases, so does the skill of the

Computer and the time it takes to make a move. Warning: On levels 4

and above, the computer can take hours or even days to make one


MAKING A MOVE Use the DISC to move the cursor ((insert symbol))

over the board. When the cursor is over the piece you want to pick

up, press either TOP SIDE KEY on either hand controller. The piece

flashes. Pressing the DISC now moves both the cursor and the piece.

Once you have positioned the piece over the desired square, press

any TOP SIDE KEY to set it down. If the move is not legal, you will

hear a buzz and see a question mark on screen. The piece will return

to its original position. If the move is legal, it is now your opponent's

turn. The computer keeps track of legal moves for all pieces, even

during a Player vs. Player game.

If you decide you don't want to play the piece you have picked up,

press the LOWER LEFT SIDE KEY on either hand controller before you

set it down. The piece will return to its last position.

Note: If you have selected Computer vs. Computer, the computer will

wait for you to make the first move. From then on, the computer

makes all moves. You may make the first move, or you can force the

computer to make the first move by pressing 8 on the left hand

controller (computer takes your next move).

CAPTURING When you set down your piece on a square occupied by

an opposing piece, the captured piece disappears from the board.

Captured pieces are shown at the side of the screen.

CASTLING When this move is legal, move the King two squares

towards the Rook. The move then takes place automatically.

PAWN PROMOTION When a pawn reaches the other side of the board,

select any piece by pressing any number from 1 to 6. You can

promote to a queen (number 5) or you can under promote.

EN PASSANT When this move is legal, move the Pawn to the proper

square and the opposing pawn will be automatically removed.

CHECK & CHECKMATE When a player or the computer is in check or

checkmated, this information appears on screen automatically.

STALEMATE When a player or the computer has no legal move and is

not in check, the word STALEMATE appears on screen.

SCREEN SAVER To prevent damage to your television screen, the

screen will go blank after about 4 minutes if nothing onscreen has

changed. If the screen goes blank during the computer's turn, the

computer will continue to consider its move. A gong will sound and

the screen will return as the computer makes its move.

You can blank the screen at anytime by pressing 1 and 9

simultaneously on the left hand controller. The screen reappears

when you press any key or the disc or, if it is the computer's turn,

when the computer is ready to make a move.

RETRACT Press 9 on the right hand controller to take back the last

move. There is a slight delay, then the last piece moved returns to its

previous position. You can press 9 repeatedly until you return to the

beginning of the game or to the first move of a special board set up.

REPLAY MOVE After you retract a move (see above), press ENTER on

the right hand controller to replay it. You can press ENTER repeatedly

to replay all of the moves you retracted.

TRADE PLACES WITH COMPUTER Press 8 on the left hand controller

at anytime during a Player vs. Computer game to trade places with

the computer (notice that the P and C in the upper left of the screen

reflect who is black and who is white).

Press 8 at the beginning of a game to take black (the computer

automatically plays black if 8 is not pressed), or during the game if

you need help and want to see what the computer would do in your

situation. Press 8 to switch back.

REVERSE BOARD Black is normally at the top of screen, white at

bottom. Press 7 on the left hand controller to reverse the board,

black at the bottom, white on top.

SET UP A SPECIAL BOARD Press 7 on the right hand controller to

alter pieces on the board. Delete pieces by moving the cursor to a

square and pressing 0 on either hand controller (clear the entire

board by pressing CLEAR on the right hand controller). Add pieces by

moving the cursor to a square and pressing a number from 1 to 6 on

either hand controller to correspond to one of the six possible chess



2 -- ROOK

3 -- KING


5 -- QUEEN

6 -- PAWN

Press a number once for a white piece, twice for a black piece. When

the board is set up as you want, press 7 again on the right hand

controller. If you have set up a legal board situation, play will

resume with clocks and number of moves reset to zero. A yellow ?

will appear if the board setup is illegal. Correct the board and press 7

again. Note: You cannot set up a situation that would lead to check or

checkmate on the first move.

FORCE MOVE Press the LOWER RIGHT SIDE KEY on either hand

controller to force the computer to make the best move it has found

so far. If an H appears onscreen (HOLD), the computer has not yet

found any move. Press the LOWER RIGHT SIDE KEY again to have the

computer continue looking.

TIMING OPTIONS Clocks appear onscreen for both black and white,

showing total time spent on moves for each player. You can turn the

clocks off by pressing 8 on the hand controller twice. Press 8 again to

turn them back on.

NEW GAME Press 9 on the left hand controller to start a new game

using the previous game's mode and level. To switch to Checkers or

Backgammon, press RESET.


OBJECT OF GAME Remove all of your opponent's checkers by jumping

them or trapping them so that your opponent is unable to make a


STARTING THE GAME Press the DISC. The checkerboard appears

onscreen with all checkers in their starting positions.

CONTROLS You will use the numeric keypad and the DISC of your

hand controller to play Checkers (side keys are not used). Refer to

the list below while playing.


1 Player vs. Player

2 Player vs. Computer (Player moves first)

3 Player vs. Computer (Computer moves first)

5 Computer suggests move

6 High skill level

8 Low skill level

CLEAR Change your move

0 Select checker to move

ENTER Makes your move final

DISC Move cursor and pieces

SELECT PLAYING MODE There are two playing modes: Player vs.

Player and Player vs. Computer. Press 1 for a Player vs. Player game,

2 for Player vs. Computer with you moving first, 3 for Player vs.

Computer with the computer moving first.

In Player vs. Player, the left hand controller moves the white

checkers, the right hand controller moves the blue checkers. Players

flip a coin to determine who goes first. In Player vs. Computer,

whoever moves first controls the blue checkers. You may use either

hand controller.

SELECT SKILL LEVEL In a Player vs. Computer game, you must select

the skill level, either high or low. Press 6 (high) for the computer to

play its best game, press 9 (low) for it to play at a lower level. When

set to high, the computer will take longer to make its moves.

MAKING A MOVE Use the DISC to move the cursor ((insert symbol))

over the board. When the cursor is over the piece you want to pick

up, press 0.

Use the DISC to move piece to an open, adjacent black square. Once

you have positioned the piece over the desired square, press ENTER

to set it down. If the move is not legal or if a jump is available that

you did not take, you will hear a buzz and the piece will return to its

original position. If the move is okay, it is now your opponent's turn.

If you decide you don't want to play the piece you have picked up,

press CLEAR before you set it down. The piece will return to its last


JUMPING Move cursor to open black square on other side of piece to

be jumped. Press ENTER. Your piece moves to correct square and the

jumped piece moves off the board.

For multiple jumps, continue moving the cursor and pressing ENTER

until all pieces have been jumped.

Note: You MUST jump a piece when you can.

CROWNING When a man reaches his King Row, a DASH appears in the

center of the checker to mark it as a King. Crowning completes a

move, even if the new King is now in a position to jump an

opponent's man.

COMPUTER SUGGESTS MOVE Press 5 to see what the computer would

do if playing your pieces. The cursor will move to the suggested man

and a small white arrow will show the suggested move. You are then

free to make the suggested move or a different one.

In a Player vs. Player game, the computer will not suggest a move. "I

can't help you" appears onscreen.

END OF GAME The game is over when one player has no more

checkers on the board or has no available move. In a Player vs.

Player game, "You Lose" appears onscreen in the loser's color. When

playing the computer, you will hear a victory tune if you win,

otherwise "You Lose" appears onscreen. Press RESET to play a new



OBJECT OF GAME Object of game is to move all your pieces around

and off the board (bearing off). First player to succeed is the winner.

STARTING THE GAME Press the DISC. The Backgammon board

appears onscreen with all pieces in their starting positions. White

moves pieces around the points clockwise to the six lower left points

(White's home table); Black moves pieces around the points

counterclockwise to the six upper left points (Black's home table).

CONTROLS You will use the numeric keypad, upper side buttons, and

the DISC of your hand controller to play Backgammon (lower side

keys are not used). Refer to the list below while playing.


1 Move 1 point

2 Move 2 points

3 Move 3 points

4 Move 4 points

5 Move 5 points

6 Move 6 points

7 Player vs. Player

8 Player vs. Computer (low skill level)

9 Player vs. Computer (high skill level)

CLEAR Change your move

0 Move two at once (rolled doubles)

ENTER Makes your move final

UPPER KEYS Show pip count

DISC Move cursor

SELECT PLAYING MODE & SKILL LEVEL There are two playing modes:

Player vs. Player and Player vs. Computer. Press 7 for a Player vs.

Player game, 8 for Player vs. Computer with the computer playing a

conservative game, 9 for Player vs. Computer with the computer

playing a more daring game (a challenge for advanced players).

In a Player vs. Player game, the left hand controller moves the white

pieces, the right hand controller moves the black pieces. In a Player

vs. Computer game, the computer controls the black pieces. You

control the white pieces with either hand controller.

STARTING THE GAME As soon as you select the mode, the dice roll

automatically. One is black and one is white to indicate the black

player and the white player. The higher number moves first, using

both numbers rolled. (If the numbers are the same, the dice are

automatically rolled again.)

MAKING A MOVE With each press of the DISC, the cursor ((insert

symbol)) moves to the next point on which you have a piece. When

the cursor is over the piece you want to move, press the number

from 1 to 6 indicating which number on the rolled dice you want to

use. That die will turn blue ("used up") and the piece will move that

many points.

You will hear a buzz if the number you press isn't available (the

number either was not rolled or it's been used), if it would move the

piece to a point occupied by two or more of your opponent's pieces (a

blocked point), or if it would move the piece off the board while you

still have pieces outside your home table (see BEARING OFF, below).

Make a different choice.

DOUBLES If you roll doubles, four dice with that number will appear,

allowing you four moves. You also have the option of moving two

pieces at the same time by pressing 0 before pressing 1 to 6.

ROLLING After you have used all your available moves, press ENTER

to roll the dice for your opponent. After the computer moves, the

dice automatically roll for your next move.

If you change your mind about moves you have made, press CLEAR

to return all pieces to their original positions. You can press CLEAR at

any time during your turn until you press ENTER.

STACKING PIECES When there is no more room on a point, pieces are

stacked. A dash on a piece means two pieces are there, two dashes

means three pieces are there.

HITTING A BLOT If have only one piece on a point (left a blot) and

your opponent lands on it (hits the blot), your piece will be moved to

the bar in the center of the board. On your next turn, the cursor

automatically appears over this piece. You must re-enter hit pieces

before moving others.

PIP COUNT Press either TOP SIDE BUTTON to see the pip count, which

is the running score of the game. The pip count is obtained by

multiplying the number of pieces on each point by that point's count

away from "home." The lower your pip count, the better.

BEARING OFF Once all of your pieces are in your home table, you can

begin to remove them from the board (bearing off). You move pieces

using the numbers on the dice as before, but now, when you run out

of points, you simply move the pieces to the left off the board (no

"exact count" is needed).

Note: If, after you have started to bear pieces off, your opponent hits

your blot, the hit piece will have to be re-entered and moved back to

your home table before you can continue to bear off pieces.

The first player to bear off all of his or her pieces presses ENTER to

win the game!

RESIGNING Resign by pressing 9 twice.

NEW GAME When the game is over, you can play Backgammon again

by pressing 7, 8, or 9 as described under SELECT PLAYING MODE &

SKILL LEVEL, above, or switch to Chess or Checkers by pressing



�1987, 1997 Intellivision Productions, Inc.