- History
- Hardware
- Game List
- Mattel Electronics
- Activision
- Atarisoft
- Coleco
- Dextell
- Imagic
- Interphase
- INTV Corporation
- Body Slam
- Chip Shot
- Choplifter
- Commando
- Deep Pockets
- Dig Dug
- Diner
- Flight Simulator
- Hover Force
- Learning Fun I
- Learning Fun II
- Mountain Madness
- Pole Position
- Slam Dunk
- Slap Shot
- Spiker
- Stadium Mud Buggies
- Super Pro Decathlon
- Super Pro Football
- Thin Ice
- Thunder Castle
- Tower of Doom
- Triple Challenge
- World Championship Baseball
- Parker Brothers
- Sega
- Instructions
- ABPA Backgammon Instructions
- Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
- AD&D Treasure of Tarmin
- Armor Battle
- Astrosmash
- Auto Racing
- B-17 Bomber
- Bodoy Slam
- Bomb Squad
- Boxing
- Bump 'N' Jump
- BurgerTime
- Buzz Bombers
- Checkers/Draughts
- Chip Shot:Super Pro Golf
- Commando
- Deep Pockets
- Dig Dug
- Diner
- Electric Company Math Fun
- Electric Company Word Fun
- Frog Bog
- Horse Racing
- Hover Force
- Kool-Aid Man
- Las Vegas Poker & Blackjack
- Learning Fun I
- Learning Fun II
- Lock 'N' Chase
- Loco-Motion
- Major League Baseball
- Masters of the Universe:The Power of He-Man
- Mission X
- Motocross
- Mountain Madness: Super Pro Skiing
- NASL Soccer
- NBA Basketball
- NFL Football
- NHL Hockey
- Night Stalker
- PBA Bowling
- PGA Golf
- Pinball
- Pole Position
- Reversi
- Royal Dealer
- Sea Battle
- Shark! Shark!
- Sharp Shot
- Slam Dunk
- Slap Shot
- Snafu
- Space Armada
- Space Battle
- Space Hawk
- Space Spartans
- Spiker!
- Stadium Mud Buggies
- Star Strike
- Sub Hunt
- Super Pro Decathlon
- Super Pro Football
- Takeover
- Tennis
- Thin Ice
- Thunder Castle
- Tower of Doom
- Triple Action
- Triple Challenge
- TRON Deadly Discs
- TRON Maze-a-Tron
- TRON Solar Sailer
- US Ski Team Skiing
- USCF Chess
- Utopia
- Vectron
- World Championship Baseball
- M Network
- ADD Tarmin
- ADD Tower of Mystery
- Adventures of TRON
- Air Raiders
- Armor Ambush
- Astroblast
- Bump 'N' Jump
- BurgerTime
- Dark Cavern
- Frogs and Flies
- In Search of the Golden Skull
- International Soccer
- Kool-Aid Man
- Lock 'N' Chase
- Masters of the Universe
- Rocky and Bullwinkle
- Sea Battle
- Space Attack
- Star Strike
- Super Challenge Baseball
- Super Challenge Football
- Swordfight
- TRON Deadly Discs
- Other Unreleased 2600 Titles
- Bump 'N' Jump - Coleco
- BurgerTime - Coleco
- Illusions- Coleco
- Masters of the Universe - Coleco
- M-Network Computer Software

INTELLIVISION CARTRIDGE [Mattel Electronics #1819]
Release #22 October 21, 1981
Also released by Sears
Produced by APh Technology Consultants for Mattel Electronics
Program: Tom Loughry
Package Illustration: Jerrol Richardson

Slip into the powerfully muscled body of the fighter of your choice. Maybe you'll go for a power slugger. Or an agile defender. Or a completely unpredictable fighter.
There's the bell! You're playing at championship speed, so the action is lightning fast. Feint, duck, block, then move in for a quick combination.
Remember that your fighter is using up precious energy. And each punch he takes has its toll. So use your brains as well as your brawn -- and keep your warrior in shape to go 15 rounds.
- Two players
- Four skill levels
- Six different boxers
- 15 rounds, KO's point decisions, endurance limits

Boxing was one of the games to be included on the Go For the Gold album cartridge.