- History
- Hardware
- Game List
- Mattel Electronics
- Activision
- Atarisoft
- Coleco
- Dextell
- Imagic
- Interphase
- INTV Corporation
- Body Slam
- Chip Shot
- Choplifter
- Commando
- Deep Pockets
- Dig Dug
- Diner
- Flight Simulator
- Hover Force
- Learning Fun I
- Learning Fun II
- Mountain Madness
- Pole Position
- Slam Dunk
- Slap Shot
- Spiker
- Stadium Mud Buggies
- Super Pro Decathlon
- Super Pro Football
- Thin Ice
- Thunder Castle
- Tower of Doom
- Triple Challenge
- World Championship Baseball
- Parker Brothers
- Sega
- Instructions
- ABPA Backgammon Instructions
- Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
- AD&D Treasure of Tarmin
- Armor Battle
- Astrosmash
- Auto Racing
- B-17 Bomber
- Bodoy Slam
- Bomb Squad
- Boxing
- Bump 'N' Jump
- BurgerTime
- Buzz Bombers
- Checkers/Draughts
- Chip Shot:Super Pro Golf
- Commando
- Deep Pockets
- Dig Dug
- Diner
- Electric Company Math Fun
- Electric Company Word Fun
- Frog Bog
- Horse Racing
- Hover Force
- Kool-Aid Man
- Las Vegas Poker & Blackjack
- Learning Fun I
- Learning Fun II
- Lock 'N' Chase
- Loco-Motion
- Major League Baseball
- Masters of the Universe:The Power of He-Man
- Mission X
- Motocross
- Mountain Madness: Super Pro Skiing
- NASL Soccer
- NBA Basketball
- NFL Football
- NHL Hockey
- Night Stalker
- PBA Bowling
- PGA Golf
- Pinball
- Pole Position
- Reversi
- Royal Dealer
- Sea Battle
- Shark! Shark!
- Sharp Shot
- Slam Dunk
- Slap Shot
- Snafu
- Space Armada
- Space Battle
- Space Hawk
- Space Spartans
- Spiker!
- Stadium Mud Buggies
- Star Strike
- Sub Hunt
- Super Pro Decathlon
- Super Pro Football
- Takeover
- Tennis
- Thin Ice
- Thunder Castle
- Tower of Doom
- Triple Action
- Triple Challenge
- TRON Deadly Discs
- TRON Maze-a-Tron
- TRON Solar Sailer
- US Ski Team Skiing
- USCF Chess
- Utopia
- Vectron
- World Championship Baseball
- M Network
- ADD Tarmin
- ADD Tower of Mystery
- Adventures of TRON
- Air Raiders
- Armor Ambush
- Astroblast
- Bump 'N' Jump
- BurgerTime
- Dark Cavern
- Frogs and Flies
- In Search of the Golden Skull
- International Soccer
- Kool-Aid Man
- Lock 'N' Chase
- Masters of the Universe
- Rocky and Bullwinkle
- Sea Battle
- Space Attack
- Star Strike
- Super Challenge Baseball
- Super Challenge Football
- Swordfight
- TRON Deadly Discs
- Other Unreleased 2600 Titles
- Bump 'N' Jump - Coleco
- BurgerTime - Coleco
- Illusions- Coleco
- Masters of the Universe - Coleco
- M-Network Computer Software
NFL® Football

INTELLIVISION CARTRIDGE [Mattel Electronics #2610]
Release #10 October 3, 1980
Trademark used under license from National Football League Properties, Inc
Also released by Sears
Also released as Football
Produced by APh Technological Consulting for Mattel Electronics
Program: Ken Smith, Glyn Anderson(instant replay feature)
Package illustration: Jerrol Richardson

The whistle blows! The crowd roars! The two teams sprint onto the field and line up for the opening kickoff.
Your ball, first and ten on the twenty yard line. Will you grind out the yardage on the ground...or risk a long bomb for a quick score? You and your opponent can choose from over 180 offensive and defensive plays -- so it's as much a game of strategy as execution.
Two full halves of fun. With all the refinements of passing, punting, end runs and razzle-dazzles. The computer keeps track of time and score, and the crowd lets you know what it thinks of your performance.
- Two players
- Call realistic offensive and defensive plays
- Scoreboard monitors downs, yards to go, time outs, time remaining, and score
- Licensed by the National Football League Properties

An M Network Atari 2600 version, called Super Challenge Football, was released.