Game Factory
Aka: Game Maker
Design/Program: David Stifel
Graphics: Karl Morris
Designed for the Entertainment Computer System, this was the last game finished at Mattel Electronics - David Stifel completed it on the day before the final layoff.
Although it was never released, David was sure the game had potential. At his next job, designing computer software, he was constantly called on to put together demos of the software he was working on. He realized the principles he used in Game Factory could be applied to a software prototyping tool. He proposed this to his new company, but they didn't see the potential in it. Later, he saw that another company was releasing such a tool. "There, that's exactly what I had in mind," he told his boss. But his company still wasn't interested in pursuing it.
The rival program he saw was Director, which went on to become the main authoring tool of multimedia projects.